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Susan Glaspell Writers & Critics Series


Spring 2024


“Transmedia Adaptation & the History of Storytelling”


Where: Cowles Library, Reading Room 

When: Thursday March 21, 2024 @ 6pm – 7pm 

What: Public talk & Q&A on “Transmedia Adaptation and the History of Storytelling” presented by Dr. Lissette Lopez Szwydky

Who: Anyone in the Drake community, especially those interested in storytelling, narrative, film, theater, painting, book history, and media adaptations. Please share widely with students, faculty, and Drake friends!

Bonus: Coffee, cookies, and treats provided!


2023-2024 Schedule

This series is sponsored by the Drake English Department and made possible by a grant from the Drake University Center for the Humanities. All events are free and open to the public. If you have any questions regarding Writers & Critics Events, please contact Leah Huizar at leah.huizar@fjzhusuji.com, or Megan Brown at megan.brown@fjzhusuji.com. or Amy Letter at amy.letter@fjzhusuji.com.


Fall 2023

Anna Brickhouse

Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholars Program with the Susan Glaspell Writers & Critics Series

Thursday, Oct 26, 2023

Location: Sheslow Auditorium

Time: 6pm – 7pm


Curse and Doom: Writing the Americas as Catastrophe. How do we tell the story of "America" in the full hemispheric sense of that term? This talk will explore the idea of interpreting the long history of the Americas through the lens of catastrophe, or what one memorable narrator calls “The Curse and Doom of the New World.” The lecture touches on the long history of the Americas-from writings by Columbus to Contemporary U.S. literature.





Drake Writers Night – Fall Edition!


Drake Writers Night                                                   
Cohosted by Periphery and Writers and Critics

Friday, October 27, 2023
Location: Medbury Honors Lounge
Time: 7:0pm to 9:00pm


Drake Writers Night “Halloween edition” is back. Bring your brief stories, flash nonfiction, poems, songs, and hybrid forms. Spooky themes encouraged, so bring your newest tale of terror, ghostly encounters, witchy meditations. Or bring your finest work or work-in-progress. Bring any creative work, on theme or not. All are welcome. Hot chocolate and cookies provided.


Drake Writers Night – Spring Edition!

Drake Writers Night                                                   
Cohosted by Periphery and Writers and Critics

Date/Location: Spring 2024 – Check back soon for details!

Time: 7pm

Join our open mic format for 3-5 minute readings of your brief stories, flash nonfiction, poems, excerpts from longer work, songs, and hybrid forms. Polished work or work-in-progress with optional audience feedback. Bring your finest work or work-in-progress. All are welcome. Refreshments provided.



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